Wolfwalkers Wiki

Wolfwalkers are humans who possess the power to become wolves while their human bodies lie sleeping. After being bitten by a Wolfwalker, a human can become one. It is unknown if one can be born a Wolfwalker, though it may be possible.


Wolfwalkers have a kind of wild magic, which most humans fear, since they believe that anything wild is the work of the Devil.

  • Senses - In both Human and Wolf form, Wolfwalkers have unique senses. In human form, a Wolfwalker can "see" the energy of a living being and the human form of another Wolfwalker that is in wolf form. In wolf form, the Wolfwalker can see, smell, hear, and even feel things humans cannot. Wolfwalkers can even "see" scents surrounding living creatures as color in contrast to the rest of the world looking gray-scaled. Wolfwalkers are also able to feel the vibrations in the earth to sense the movements of anyone or anything nearby.
  • Astral Shapeshifting - Wolfwalkers don't physically shapeshift into wolves, but rather their spirits (or souls) vacate their human bodies while they are asleep and their spirit becomes a physical wolf (child Wolfwalkers' wolf forms are slightly smaller than normal wolves while adult Wolfwalkers can be bigger than horses in wolf form). In order to return to being human, the Wolfwalker must physically touch their human body and the wolf spirit will return to its human body, and the Wolfwalker will wake up as their human self again. Wolfwalkers must be careful in their wolf forms, for any injuries they suffer will appear on their human bodies too. A Wolfwalker's fur doesn't necessarily match the hair of their human form, though they have the same eyes in both (Robyn and Bill are both blonde but their wolf forms are silver & gray and black & gray respectively, while Mebh and Móll's wolf forms are a ginger brown while their human forms have red hair).
  • Healing - Wolfwalkers can heal injuries by touching or holding their hands over the wounded and sharing their energy with them. For more serious injuries, more wolves need to share their energy, not just Wolfwalkers. If a Wolfwalker dies in wolf form, their human body will die with them.
    If a wolfwalker suffers a deadly wound in wolf form, the wolf form will turn into a spirit, float back to the human body and return to it, and the wound will appear on the human body but could still be healed by the entire pack with at least two or three wolfwalkers aiding the healing process.
  • Command of Wolves - Wolfwalkers are able to command normal wolves, who will follow orders very well with a keen intelligence and understanding.
  • Biting - If a Wolfwalker bites a human, the human can become a Wolfwalker themselves. It is implied that even if the Wolfwalker heals the bite immediately, the bitten human will still become a Wolfwalker after all.
  • Wild Magic - Though not elaborated on, the Wolfwalkers clearly have a power over some kind of Wild Magic, as Móll, Mebh and the Wolves' Den was hidden behind a thick wall of vines and flora yet it would part to allow the wolfwalkers and wolves through. It is also possible that the wolfwalkers can summon rain as the pack apparently did while they were healing Móll and the rain extinguished the fires set by the Lord Protector's soldiers. The carvings and pictograms on the walls and stones of the Den were lit with the Wild Magic's golden energy when in the presence of Wolfwalkers or when they were wielding their magic.

Known Wolfwalkers[]
